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ANTIC Special Episode - Atari Summer Camp
August 10, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

ANTIC Special Episode - Atari Summer CampDid you dream of going to Camp Atari, the summer computer camp where kids could play with and learn about Atari computers all day? So did we. A special episode of the ANTIC Podcast goes deep into the story of Camp Atari, including sound bites from the Today Show, the little-known documentary movie about the subject, and interviews with campers, counselors, and the director of the camps. Those interviewed include:
  • Bob Kahn, Atari Director of Special Projects
  • Paul Somerfeldt, a teaching assistant
  • Dave Dresden, a camper
  • Barry Champagne, a camper
ANTIC, The Atari 8-bit Podcast, focuses on Atari 8-bit computers (800, XL, XE), and is hosted by Randy Kindig, Kevin Savetz, and Brad Arnold. You can find the current and past episodes of ANTIC on iTunes, the Apple Podcast App, and at You can discuss the podcast in our Atari 8-bit Computers Forum.

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2015 Classic Game Fest Recap
August 7, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

2015 Classic Game Fest RecapAtariAge attended the 2015 Classic Game Fest in Austin, Texas the weekend of July 25th and 26th, and we had a great time! The show was jam-packed both days, with over 5,000 classic gaming fans in attendance. We had many new and upcoming homebrew games on display in our booth, and hosted tournaments for Space Rocks and Fall Down. Several homebrew authors were in attendance, and many AtariAge members stopped by the booth! We took some videos at the show, as well as photos, which you can view by following the links below: Classic Game Fest has posted an initial recap video that you can view below:

Next year's Classic Game Fest has already been announced, taking place July 30-31, 2016. The event is being held again at the Palmer Events Center, however, the show is nearly doubling in size, going from 25,000 square feet to 45,000 square feet! The next event we're attending is the Portland Retro Gaming Expo, October 17-18 at the Oregon Convention Center. We'll be releasing several new games at the show, and will have a large booth with many new and upcoming homebrews available to play. We look forward to seeing many AtariAge visitors in Portland!

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AtariAge at the Classic Game Fest
July 20, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

AtariAge at the Classic Game FestAtariAge is attending the Classic Game Fest this upcoming weekend (July 25th and 26th), in Austin, Texas and we'll have a large booth setup with over 20 Atari 2600, 5200, and 7800 consoles! These systems will be running some of the latest homebrew games, as well as several games soon to be released, including:
  • BRIK (2600)
  • Galactopus (2600)
  • JumpVCS (2600)
  • The Stacks (2600)
  • Star Castle Arcade (2600)
  • Titan Axe (2600)
  • Wall Jump Ninja (2600)
  • Mr. Do! (5200)
  • Zaxxon (5200)
  • Draker Quest (7800)
  • Dungeon Stalker (7800)
  • T:ME Salvo (7800)
In addition, we'll be unveiling a brand new Atari 7800 game from Bob DeCrescenzo (PacManPlus), who will be attending the Classic Game Fest in person! You may find other surprises at our booth as well! Other notable classic gaming figures in attendance will include Howard Scott Warshaw (E.T., Raiders of the Lost Ark, Yars' Revenge), Darrell Spice, Jr. (Medieval Mayhem, Space Rocks, Stay Frosty 2), and Fred Quimby (creator of the Harmony Cartridge). Ernest Cline, author of Ready Player One and the recently released novel Armada will also be present. If you enjoyed Ready Player One, We will be demoing a new version of The Stacks, an Atari 2600 game set in the Ready Player One universe! Be sure to check out the Q&A session with Ernie Cline, Howard Scott Warshaw, and Mike Mika at 1pm on Sunday. And, if you're a big Ultima fan, Richard Garriott (Lord British), Starr Long, and others from the original Ultima team will be on-hand!

AtariAge is sponsoring two Atari 2600 tournaments during the Classic Game Fest. On Saturday at 4pm, you can compete against others using a special Tournament Edition of Darrell Spice, Jr.’s Space Rocks. If you like the classic arcade games Asteroids or Asteroids Deluxe, you’ll l love Space Rocks! Our second tournament is 4pm on Sunday using the 2600 homebrew Fall Down. This game features frenetic two player head-to-head action, where your goal is to survive longer than your opponent! Tournament games will be played on a large, 65” television so everyone can enjoy the frenzy! The winners of these tournaments will receive a copy of the game (in the case of Space Rocks, a signed, boxed copy), gift certificate in the AtariAge Store, and more! Stop by our booth to sign up for the tournaments and practice on the games beforehand!

To learn more about the show, please visit the Classic Game Fest website. If you'd like to sport an AtariAge badge, please check out this thread in our Classic Game Fest forum. See you at the show!

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Stay Frosty 2 High Score Contest
July 12, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

The 2600 High Score Club has launched its latest high score contest--Stay Frosty 2! Stay Frosty 2 was the 2014 AtariAge Holiday Cart and is the sequel to Stay Frosty, which appeared several years ago as part of the Stella's Stocking holiday cartridge. To make Stay Frosty 2 available to a wider audience, we've released the binary for Stay Frosty 2 for the first time! This will allow anyone with a Harmony Cartridge to enjoy the game on a real system (if you don't own the cartridge), or via emulation in the excellent Stella 2600 Emulator.

Everybody's favorite fabled frosty firefighter is back! But so are those pesky fireballs and they're hotter than ever! This year they've kidnapped Santa and some of his helpers, so it's up to you to put out the fireballs and rescue your friends from their fiery fate. Your first frosty adventure was just a warm-up - now there are all new levels to conquer and challenges to face! Fortunately, you've found some new magic in that old silk hat of yours. Can you stay frostier, fight your way to the fireballs' frigid fortress and freeze those fiendish flames?

If you don't yet own a copy of Stay Frosty 2, it is available in the AtariAge Store complete with a beautiful label and manual illustrated by David Exton. We've also added a professionally printed box as an option starting today. Any copies of Stay Frosty 2 purchased through the end of July will be numbered, as all copies sold thus far have been. Starting in August, the label will be slightly changed and future copies will not be numbered.

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IntyBASIC Programming Contest
July 1, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Calling all homebrew game developers! Its time to rock the Intellivision world with the start of the first IntyBASIC programming contest. We want to see the awesome games that you can create with this easy to learn language. It doesn't matter if you are a novice or a professional programmer as long as you have fun creating your masterpieces.

The 2015 IntyBASIC Intellivision Games Programming Contest is taking place between July 1st, 2015 and December 31st, 2015. The contest is sponsored by AtariAge, GroovyBee, nonner242, nanochess and CollectorVision. The (possibly obsessed) collectors revolutionika and cmart604 will also be providing some additional prizes.

All contest entries submitted must be written in IntyBASIC. The current prizes are as follows:
  • 1st - Hive Deluxe Edition, a boxed copy of the game entry on cartridge and 2 Bee3s
  • 2nd - Hive Standard Edition and the game entry on cartridge
  • 3rd - Game entry on cartridge and a copy of Space Raid by nanochess
The 1st prize winner also has the opportunity to have their game published in CIB form with the multi-platform games publisher CollectorVision.

Full details about the contest can be found here in our IntyBASIC Programming Contest forum. If you haven't gotten started in Intellivision programming yet, our Intellivision Programming Forum is a great place to start! We look forward to playing everyone's entries! Good luck!

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ANTIC Episode 23 - Dorsett, Veronica, BASIC XL
June 29, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

ANTIC Episode 23 - Dorsett, Veronica, BASIC XLEpisode 23 of ANTIC: The Atari 8-bit Podcast is now available. In this episode:
  • We discuss new Atari archive sites
  • Randy tells us all about BASIC XL
  • Kevin delves into the sordid history of Dorsett Educational Systems
  • Bill Kendrick fills us in on a panoply of stuff, including a brain transplant for your 8-bit.
ANTIC, The Atari 8-bit Podcast focuses on Atari 8-bit computers (800, XL, XE), and is hosted by Randy Kindig, Kevin Savetz, and Brad Arnold. You can find the current and past episodes of ANTIC on iTunes, the Apple Podcast App, and at You can discuss the podcast in our Atari 8-bit Computers Forum.

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Driving Crazy Novel
June 17, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Driving Crazy NovelDriving Crazy, the formerly self-published novel by AtariAge forum member Atari Smeghead, has been picked up by a mainline publisher for nationwide release and distribution. Award-winning author Randy D Pearson’s debut novel is now part of the Tate Publishing family, and saw a June 16, 2015 release date.

Driving Crazy is a humorous adventure about two lifelong friends who travel across the United States to pick up a Crazy Climber machine. They find themselves in all sorts of trouble, and will have to rely on their luck and ingenuity if they hope to get this classic arcade game, and themselves, home in one piece.

This 273-page novel is filled with humor, drama, and exciting chases. It features many video game scenes, including such arcade classics as Galaga, Tempest and of course, Crazy Climber. Even the Atari Jaguar has a cameo.

Retail price for Driving Crazy is $20.99 and is now available everywhere books are sold, including and Barnes and Noble (both the stores and online). For more information, including reviews, excerpts, and deleted scenes (or to purchase a signed copy directly from the author), please visit or join the discussion in our Marketplace Forum.

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2015 Classic Game Fest, July 25-26
May 25, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

2015 Classic Game Fest, July 25-26Join AtariAge at this year's Classic Game Fest, taking place in Austin, Texas on July 25th and 26th. Now in its 8th year, Classic Game Fest has become one of the largest retro video game conventions in the country. Last year's event (greatly expanded from previous years) featured more than 25,000 square feet of retro gaming awesomeness and attracted over 4,500 enthusiastic attendees from all over Texas and around the world. Come celebrate the biggest retro video game convention in Texas during two days of exciting classic video games, retro game tournaments, costume contests, live video game music, and more!

Several special guests have been announced for this year's show, including Richard Garriott (co-founder of Origin Systems and creator of the Ultima series of role-playing games), Starr Long (long-time past and present collaborator with Richard Garriott), Howard Scott Warshaw (author of the 2600 games E.T. The Extra Terrestrial, Yars' Revenge, and Raiders of the Lost Ark), and Ernest Cline (author of Ready Player One and the upcoming novel Armada).

AtariAge will be present at the Classic Game Fest with a large number of Atari 2600, 5200 and 7800 systems setup for play all weekend. You'll be able to try out some of the latest homebrew games, upcoming games to be released later this year, and other games currently in development. Please visit the Classic Gaming Fest website to learn more about the event. We've also setup a Classic Game Fest Forum, where you can discuss the show with other AtariAge members who'll be attending! If you're attending and would like an AtariAge badge with your forum handle (and an AtariAge lanyard), please visit this forum thread.

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The Atari 2600 Encyclopedia Volume 1
May 8, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

The Atari 2600 Encyclopedia Volume 1 is a new book containing detailed information and imagery of Atari 2600 games, the first of a planned four volume set. The book is authored by Derek Slaton (whose credits include the Sega Master System Encyclopedia) and features imagery designed by Darren Doyle. The first Atari 2600 Encyclopedia volume is just over 400 pages and covers the first 100 titles for the Atari 2600, with each game receiving a four page full-color spread. The games each feature a lengthy writeup, screenshots, box/cartridge/manual scans, and the book contains a host of other features, such as Activision patch scans, catalog examples, and for the iBooks version, gameplay footage.

The Hardcover Edition of Volume 1 is now available on the US Amazon site and retails for $50 (although Amazon runs specials so the price will often be lower). If you'd like a digital version of the book, you can purchase a PDF from Sellfy for $9.99, or an iBooks version for $12.99. Plans are to have the book available on the UK Amazon site, hopefully the end of May. You can discuss The Atari 2600 Encyclopedia with the book's author in our Atari 2600 Forum.

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Atari VCS 2600 Retro Memory Game
March 17, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

AtariAge user apemaster from Yoda's Video Arcade has announced a new game called Retrory. Retrory is a memory card matching game, where you find pairs of matching cards by turning them over. This is a physical game, as opposed to a video game, featuring 80 cards (40 "pairs") and a 12-page full-color instruction booklet, packed in a 2600-style box. The cards themselves are 6cm x 6cm (2.4") square and are about 2mm thick. Each card is double-sided and full-color printed, with a canvas-structure finish.

The card pairs in this game are not identical images, but instead two different images from the same game. The goal of the game is to find matching pairs, but in order to find them you have to know the games. You can increase the game's difficulty by having to name the game when finding a match. The game features images from officially released 2600 games, and the instruction booklet shows all the pairs and their corresponding game names. The price per game is $40 Euros (around $45 USD), including worldwide airmail shipping. To learn how to order your copy of Retrory, please visit our Atari 2600 Forum.

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Translucent Jaguar Console Pre-Orders
March 12, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Mike Kennedy from has purchased the Atari Jaguar tooling to produce console shells for the upcoming RETRO VGS project. Before these molds are repurposed for RETRO VGS, a limited run of translucent Jaguar console shells and cartridges is being produced for anyone who is interested. It's unlikely these shells will be produced again in the foreseeable future, so if you want a clear Atari Jaguar console shell, now's the time to purchase one! The price for each translucent console shell is $45, and translucent cartridge shells are $8 each. These prices include shipping in the USA, with international shipping costing extra.

You can see a video of the Atari Jaguar molding arriving at their new home on the RETRO VGS Facebook Page. Below are two photos of the molds after they were delivered to the injection molding company (click for larger images):

To learn how to order these translucent shells, please visit our Atari Jaguar Forum, where you can also discuss the shells with Mike Kennedy and other Jaguar fans. Orders must be received by 8am Monday Morning Pacific Time!

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Toki Prototype For 7800 Discovered
February 6, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Beta Phase Games has announced the discovery of an Atari 7800 port of the arcade game Toki. In Toki you play the role of an ape who can kill his enemies by spitting at them. In the course of this platform game, you can also collect power-ups that give you improved abilities, such as making your spittle larger or allowing you to jump higher. The 7800 port of Toki is fairly faithful to the original arcade version, but the final level is not present, likely due to space constraints. The swinging vines in the arcade version are also absent from the 7800 version, which is most likely intentional as well.

The game as found (labeled Beta 2) is currently a PAL-format game and does not run properly on NTSC 7800 consoles. However, work is being done to see if the game can be converted to NTSC. The team hopes to release Toki in cartridge form, followed about a month later by a ROM release. AtariAge user CPUWIZ has posted photos of the game running on one of his consoles.

The Atari 7800 version of the game was discovered on a computer (purchased on eBay) owned by a former Atari employee. Several other games were also found, including Klax (7800), Hotdog (Lynx), Road Riot 4WD (Lynx), Poker (Lynx), Relief Pitcher (Lynx), and an as-of-yet unannounced title. You can keep abreast of this development by reading the Toki Prototype For 7800 Discovered thread in our Atari 7800 Forum.

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The Classic-Gaming Bookcast
February 1, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

The Classic-Gaming BookcastThe Classic-Gaming Bookcast is an entertaining eBook about old video games. If you enjoy what's commonly known as retro-gaming, you'll have a lot of fun reading these forty game-specific chapters. The prose is lively, provocative and often humorous. The book even contains strategies, insights and philosophies. "I didn't want it to be like any other game-related book out there," says the author, Chris Federico (Chris++ on AtariAge).

The featured games are on the following platforms:
  • Arcade
  • Atari 2600 Video Computer System
  • Atari 8-Bit Computers
  • Atari Jaguar
  • Commodore 64
  • Commodore VIC-20
  • Magnavox Odyssey2
  • Mattel Intellivision
  • Texas Instruments TI-99/4A
The cost is only 99 cents. At its main site of publication, Smashwords, one purchase allows access to all formats, including .mobi for Kindle devices and .epub for most other popular reading gizmos. You can also find The Classic-Gaming Bookcast at Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Scribd.

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Atari 2600 Trading Cards Series 1
January 4, 2015
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Marc Oberhäuser of Freelancer Games has announced he is taking orders for his Atari 2600 Trading Cards Series 1. The first series with 50 cards features the original Atari releases from 3-D Tic Tac Toe to Gremlins. The front side of a card shows the original release box art, while the back contains facts about the game, the front label, the cover of the manual, and a screenshot from the game. The cards are printed professionally and include a box for storage.

A set of cards costs 40 EURO (about $50 USD), which includes shipping. If you're interested in learning more (including various photos of the cards), you can read the thread in our Atari 2600 Forum. Marc has also created trading cards for the Intellivision and Atari 7800.

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2014 AtariAge Holiday Greeting Cart Now Available!
December 14, 2014
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Everybody's favorite fabled frosty firefighter is back! But so are those pesky fireballs and they're hotter than ever! This year they've kidnapped Santa and some of his helpers, so it's up to you to put out the fireballs and rescue your friends from their fiery fate. Your first frosty adventure was just a warm-up - now there are all new levels to conquer and challenges to face! Fortunately, you've found some new magic in that old silk hat of yours. Can you stay frostier, fight your way to the fireballs' frigid fortress and freeze those fiendish flames?

After a seven year hiatus, the AtariAge Holiday Greeting Cart returns! We're proud to introduce Stay Frosty 2 as the 2014 AtariAge Holiday Cart. Stay Frosty 2 is arguably the most advanced platform game to ever grace the Atari 2600, taking advantage of our Melody cartridge platform to push the Atari 2600 to its limits. Stay Frosty 2 is the sequel to Stay Frosty, which appeared in Stella's Stocking, the 2007 AtariAge Holiday Cart. Stay Frosty 2 features 32 unique levels (and a total of 128 levels), new enemies and dangers, new power-ups, and many surprises!

In addition to Stay Frosty 2, we have a SECOND holiday-themed game this year! We're also introducing The Byte Before Christmas, a collection of four Christmas-themed games in one cartridge: Santa's Scabs, Christmas Adventure, Bell Hopper, and Naughty List. Do you have what it takes to save Christmas?

Also in the new lineup is THREE·S, an Atari 2600 conversion of the popular Threes! mobile puzzle game, written by veteran Atari 2600 programmer Thomas Jentzsch. THREE·S is an addictive tile-based puzzle game, and a must have on the 2600 if you enjoy games of this nature! The iOS version of Threes! was just awarded Apple's 2014 Game of the Year. For Atari 7800 fans, we have two new games: K.C. Munchkin, a port of the Odyssey 2 game that resulted in a lawsuit against Magnavox by Atari, and Astro Blaster, a port of the arcade game of the same name. Both of these new titles were programmed by Bob DeCreszenzo, who has a remarkable track record in producing games on the 7800. And finally, we now have the AtariVox+ Speech Synthesizer in stock!

You can learn all about these releases and how you can get them in time for Christmas by visiting the AtariAge Store.

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RAPTOR and RAPTOR Basic for Jaguar
December 9, 2014
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

RAPTOR and RAPTOR Basic for JaguarAtari Jaguar developers Reboot have released two new packages designed to aid Jaguar development, RAPTOR and RAPTOR Basic. RAPTOR is a high performance RISC-based API designed to leverage the performance of the Jaguar's custom RISC chips in an easy and flexible manner, allowing the software developer to spend more time following their vision instead of wrestling with the hardware. Several examples are included, taking the user from a simple 'Hello World' to a complete game. RAPTOR Basic is a merging of RAPTOR into a BASIC language, specifically designed to lower the bar of entry to Jaguar programming in a similar way to what batari Basic and 7800basic have done for the 2600 and 7800 respectively. RAPTOR Basic is based on EhBASIC 68k.

Reboot intends to continually update both RAPTOR and RAPTOR Basic with new features over time. You can discuss these new Jaguar tools with Reboot and other AtariAge members in our new RAPTOR API and RAPTOR Basic forums, where you can also find links to the latest versions.

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Carol vs. The World 2014 Championship
December 1, 2014
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

It is Christmas time once again and the third annual Carol vs. The World! Championship is upon us! Throughout the entire month of December, all boys and girls--naughty or nice--will have the opportunity not only to earn bragging rights, but to win actual prizes! At stake, like always, is a one-of-a-kind edition of the game Christmas Carol vs. The Ghost Of Christmas Presents, made exclusively for the player with the highest score. There's prizes for players of all skill levels and many other surprises!

Christmas Carol vs. The Ghost Of Christmas Presents is an original game concept, designed and programmed by James Pujals for the 1980s Intellivision game system. It follows the adventures of Carol Greenleaf, Santa's most resourceful elf, as she tries to recover the presents stolen by an Evil Snowman, and save Christmas for the children of the world. The game was originally released at the Classic Gaming Expo in 2012, and went on to become a smash hit in the retro-gaming community, voted Game Of The Year by retro-gaming enthusiasts of AtariAge.

To enter the contest, there's nothing to buy and no registration is required. Whether you play the game cartridge on an Intellivision console, or the ROM edition on a PC or Mac, it's all the same. Just send us a photo or screen-grab of your score and you're in! You can learn more about the game and how to enter the contest by viewing the complete details on the official contest page. To discuss the contest with other AtariAge members and Intellivision enthusiasts, please visit our Intellivision Forum. Good luck!

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New Atari 2600 Homebrews Now Available!
November 3, 2014
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Warm up your Atari 2600, as we've just added three new 2600 homebrew games to the AtariAge Store! Omicron, Piñata and Flappy are three games that will keep you coming back for more! Read on for a brief description of each game. For full details, please visit the AtariAge Store.
  • OmicronOmicron - A team of four agents, each a specialist in one of the four elements - water, fire, air and earth - have been miniaturized to microscopic size in order to investigate a mysterious new virus that appears to be of alien origin. The virus mutates rapidly, mimicking each of the four elements. But something went horribly wrong, and contact with the team was lost. Now the virus threatens to grow out-of-control.

    You are the last hope to stop it. Having been miniaturized yourself, you now board the Omicron - a microscopic vessel designed specifically to counter the alien virus and stop it from spreading. Can you battle your way through each iteration of the virus and destroy the threat?

  • PiñataPiñata - What's your kind of game? Do you prefer action or arcade? One player or two player? Challenging or extra hard? With Piñata, you have it all!

    Piñata is a collection of five challenging games packed into a 32K cartridge. Each game in this collection is unique and will have you coming back for more! Select which game you want to play from the colorful main menu, where you can view your high scores for each game. The five games include in Piñata are Heartbreak, Ping, Joyride, Fixer Fenix, Sr., and Flipside. Heartbreak, Joyride, and Flipside include a two player competitive mode.

  • FlappyFlappy - If you thought flying to nowhere was they've placed perilous pipes in your path! In Flappy, your challenge is to attend to your avian ally at an altitude avoiding alloy aerial aqueducts. How far will you fare?

    Flappy is an Atari 2600 take on the popular (and somewhat infamous at this point) Flappy Bird game that first appeared on the iPhone. Like its iOS brethren, Flappy is a fairly simple game. Pressing the joystick button causes your avian friend to flap, and the more you flap, the higher you climb. Your primary goal (and, really, your only goal) is to line up your bird so it passes through the oncoming pipes. If you run into a pipe, it's game over!
You can find all three of these new games in the AtariAge Store, along with a wide collection of other homebrew games for the Atari 2600, 5200, 7800 and ColecoVision. We've also added "loose" (manual and cartridge) versions of several boxed games we released last year, for those who aren't interested in owning the box and want a less expensive version of the game. And stay tuned for more new releases in the upcoming months!

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Houston Arcade Expo - November 7th/8th
October 20, 2014
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Houston Arcade Expo - November 7th/8thThe 2014 Houston Area Arcade Expo is taking place November 7th and 8th at the Houston Northwest Crowne Plaza. Hosted by the Houston Area Arcade Group, this is an annual event celebrating the electronic games people love to play. Gamers buy, sell, and trade pinball, video game and game console items, and, best of all, pinballs, arcade cabinets and consoles are set up on free play for the duration of the show. The organizers put together a promo video that does a great job of capturing the spirit of the event!

Highlights for this year's show include:
  • 200+ Pinball, Arcade & Console games on free play
  • Special guests Billy Mitchell and Walter Day
  • Atari 2600 Homebrew Programming talk by Darrell Spice, Jr.
  • Session with former Williams Programmer Ken Graham
  • Pinball shop and repair clinic with John Costa
  • Game swap meet Saturday morning at 8am
  • The History of Pinball with Dan Ferguson
  • See Dutch Pinball's new The Big Lebowski pinball machine
  • Tournaments with prizes throughout the weekend
  • Cosplay arcade costume contest Saturday
There aren't many opportunities to enjoy large collections of classic arcade games and pinball machines, so if you are in the Houston area (or can get there!), you should be at this expo! Admission is $30 for a weekend pass or $20 for a single day (you save $5 by purchasing your tickets in advance). For more information, please visit

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ANTIC: Atari 8-bit Podcast Episode 15
October 14, 2014
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

ANTIC: Atari 8-bit Podcast Episode 15Episode 15 of ANTIC: The Atari 8-bit Podcast is now available. This latest episode features:
  • Interview with Gray Chang (Claim Jumper, Dog Daze)
  • Interview with Jonathan Halliday (Atari 8-bit GUI)
  • Software of the Month: Aspeqt
  • Hardware of the Month: SIDE2
The podcast is going to move interviews into their own mini-episodes - one interview per episode, at a rate of one or two a week. These will be in addition to the regular monthly shows, which won't have any interviews. The first interview-only episode will be with Paul Laughton, who wrote Atari BASIC, the Atari filesystem software, and Apple DOS 3.1.

ANTIC, The Atari 8-bit Podcast focuses on Atari 8-bit computers (800, XL, XE), and is hosted by Randy Kindig, Kevin Savetz, and Brad Arnold. You can find the current and past episodes of ANTIC on iTunes, the Apple Podcast App, and at You can discuss the podcast in our Atari 8-bit Computers Forum.

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