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Atari 2600 Hacks

Jungle King
Jungle King
What is a Hack you might ask? In the realm of classic video games and the definition we're using here, a hack is taking an existing game and modifying it in some fashion so that it differs from the original. Almost always this involves just changing the graphics, which is pretty easily done in many games. Some changes are done to make a game more faithful to the original (Space Invaders and Pac-Man seem to get the most attention here), others are done to give a game a different theme entirely and still other hacks, well, we haven't got a clue. And then there are controller hacks that allow you to play games with a different control scheme, or perhaps even using a different controller entirely.

If you'd like to learn more about hacks and how you can hack Atari 2600 games yourself, please visit our Hacks Forum. If you've created a hack and would like it listed here, please feel free to drop us a line. We also have an entire page of 2600 TV Format Conversions.

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TitleOriginal GameAuthor GfxAudFunROMNew
Breaking NewsBump 'n' JumpRic PryorGraphic Hack   
Pac-manMs. Pac-ManRob KudlaGraphic HackAudio HackFunctional Hack 
Space Invaders ArcadeSpace InvadersRob KudlaGraphic HackAudio Hack  
Space InvadersSpace InvadersRon CorcoranGraphic Hack   
Battle of the PlanetsInfiltrates0c7Graphic Hack  New Hack
A Game of 2600 ConcentrationGame of ConcentrationSnorlaxnutGraphic Hack   
Bunny BZRKBerzerkSnorlaxnutGraphic Hack   
Ghost TrapMouse TrapSnorlaxnutGraphic Hack  New Hack
NOIZ InvadersSpace InvadersSPIKE the PercussionistGraphic HackAudio HackFunctional Hack 
Demons!PhoenixSpk LeaderGraphic Hack   
Automazeon TrainerOutlawStan Jr.Graphic Hack   
Back to the Future II AdventureAdventureStan Jr.Graphic Hack   
Legend of Zelda 2600TutankhamStan Jr.Graphic Hack   
Punisher 2600Gangster AlleyStan Jr.Graphic Hack   
Spider-Man: The Scorpion StrikesSpider-ManStan Jr.Graphic Hack  New Hack
Tomb Raider 2600Montezuma's RevengeStan Jr.Graphic Hack   
Undersea AdventureAdventureStan Jr.Graphic Hack   
Adventure PlusAdventureSteve EngelhardtGraphic Hack Functional Hack 
Berzerk: RenegadeRoom of DoomSteve EngelhardtGraphic Hack   
Defender VectorDefenderSteve EngelhardtGraphic Hack   
Drag RaceDragsterSteve EngelhardtGraphic Hack   
Dragonfire SadisticDragonfireSteve Engelhardt  Functional Hack 
Indy 500 Alternate TracksIndy 500Steve EngelhardtGraphic Hack   
Lunar AttackZ-TackSteve EngelhardtGraphic Hack   
Pitfall TrainerPitfall!Steve Engelhardt  Functional Hack 
Spy BobKabobberSteve EngelhardtGraphic Hack   
Mega Mania RaidMegamaniaThiago PaivaGraphic HackAudio Hack  
Amidar DSAmidarThomas Jentzsch  Functional Hack 
Asteroids DC+AsteroidsThomas JentzschGraphic Hack Functional Hack 
Atlantis FHAtlantisThomas Jentzsch  Functional Hack 
Battlezone TCBattlezoneThomas Jentzsch  Functional Hack 
Missile Command TBMissile CommandThomas Jentzsch  Functional Hack 
Omega Race DCOmega RaceThomas Jentzsch  Functional Hack 
River Raid PlusRiver RaidThomas JentzschGraphic Hack Functional Hack 
Robot Tank TCRobot TankThomas Jentzsch  Functional Hack 
SadistroidsAsteroidsThomas Jentzsch  Functional Hack 
Sprintmaster DCSprintmasterThomas Jentzsch  Functional Hack 
PDP Space WarSpace WarThomas Jentzsch & Rob MitchellGraphic Hack Functional Hack 
Blair Witch Project, TheHaunted HouseTim SniderGraphic Hack   
Mystery Science Theater 2600MegamaniaTim SniderGraphic Hack   
Venture IIVentureTim SniderGraphic Hack   
Ninja Cowboy DuelistOutlawTomborGraphic Hack   
Don't Get Hit!Freewayvb masterGraphic Hack   
Pepsi WinsPepsi Invadersvb masterGraphic Hack   
Combat ReduxCombatZach MatleyGraphic Hack Functional Hack 
Holiday CombatCombatZach MatleyGraphic Hack   
KnightmateVideo ChessZach MatleyGraphic Hack Functional Hack 

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Hack Types:
Graphic Hack Graphic Hack
Audio Hack Audio Hack
Functional Hack Functional Hack