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Tips, Cheats, and Easter Eggs


Flying tanks
Select game 9 and begin game play. Rotate the tank on the left 180 degrees and fire. If done correctly, the shot will bounce around the screen and hit the right tank. Both tanks should fly approximately three screens to the left before stopping.

Spinning tanks
Place both tanks in a position where one tank's turret is flat against the other tank. Turn the first tank so that its turret runs into the stationary tank. Both tanks will begin to spin in circles.

Super shot
Hold Reset + Fire to shoot to the other side of the screen.

Switch tanks
Select game 9 and begin game play. Rotate the tank on the right 180 degrees and fire. If done correctly, both tanks will switch positions.

Teleporting shot
Place your tank just to the right of the top left corner and fire into that corner. The shot will leave the screen and re-appear from the top right corner.

Turbo tank
Plug in paddle controllers and press both buttons to speed up your tank.

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