These stadium seats were found in B&C Computervisions'
booth. They would later be seen in possession of Rick Weis. |
Another shot of the arcade machines. In this picture
you can spy Brian Prescott (in the black shirt) playing Super Pac-Man. |
Lee Krueger, Jerry Jessop, Marc Oberhäuser, and
Albert Yarusso (back to camera) talk about Sony and the Playstation 2.
Larry Anderson, Albert Yarusso, Matt Reichert and
Rick Weis take a look at Songbird's CGE 5th Anniversary slideshow for
the Lynx. |
Paul Slocum's Synthcart, hooked up to a 2600 with
two Video Touch Pads. |
Paul Slocum walking around the floor with his tin-packaged
Marble Craze. |
The prototype Atari 2600 cartridge shell soon to be
available from Pixels Past. |
More game playing at the SlikStik booth that was directly
across from us.
Someone tries their hand at Pick Up, which was being
sold in the CGE Services booth. |
John Hardie, holding a beverage as usu--wait a minute,
that's not a beer!! |
Carl Forhan talks to a customer in his Songbird Productions
New Jaguar and Lynx titles available for purchase
at Songbird Productions. |
The Odyssey 2, ColecoVision, and Astrocade in-store
displays that were first seen at Philly Classic 3. |
People wait for the Great Dig Dug Drop to commence.
The show floor turned into a ghost town except for this highly concentrated
area of people. |
The net is released and the cartridge spill into the
crowd! |
The free-for-all begins! |
Everyone tries to grab as many Dig Dug boxes as he
or she can. |
And the lucky winner is.... |
Trampling Dig Dug boxes in the name of free prizes! |
I hope everyone counted their fingers after this event
was over. |
A few minutes after the drop. I'm glad I didn't have
to clean this mess up! |
The aftermath. And no blood! |
A last glance at the Plaza after the show. |