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New 2600 Homebrew: Incoming!
November 4, 2001
Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

Visit the Incoming! Development PageBen Larson has sent us word about a new 2600 game he's developing called Incoming! Anyone familiar with the classic-style artillery game Artillery Duel will appreciate what Ben is doing with Incoming! However, Ben hopes to address many of Artillery Duel's shortcomings with Incoming! Here are some features to look forward to:

  • Full 160 x 192 resolution (not half height 160 x 96 resolution, as in Artillery Duel)
  • One player (vs. the computer) and two player modes
  • Varying levels of computer difficulty in one player mode
  • Randomly generated, asymmetrical playfield terrain and random starting positions - never the same game twice!
  • Vector based velocity-acceleration-gravity physics model
  • Proximity damage caused by near-miss explosions (a la Scorched Earth) and player health meters
  • Terrain damage

    For more information, screenshots, and a work-in-progress binary, please visit Ben's Incoming! Development Page. You can discuss Incoming! on our Atari 2600 forum here.

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    First Round of Relief Auctions End Today!
    November 4, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit our September 11th Classic Gaming Relief Auction pageThe first batch of auctions for the September 11th Classic Gaming Relief Auction end this afternoon, so if you haven't yet sauntered over to eBay to have a look, today's your last chance! There are many unique and rare items up for auction, including many autographed games you're going to have a hard time acquiring anywhere else! Later this afternoon we'll be starting another round of auctions on eBay, this time centering around rare hardware, autographed books, magazines and more games. What are you waiting for, go bid now!

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    New Spice Invaders Hack
    November 3, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    View the Spice Invaders Hack PagePhilip R. Frey (Rhindle the Red), who recently brought us the Return of Mario Bros. hack has just completed another hack for the 2600. The victim this time around is Atari's Space Invaders, a subject of mutilation many times in the past. Philip's latest hack is entitled Spice Invaders and changes the invaders to resemble the Spice Girls. In addition, the sixth invader is a spinning CD, since there are only five Spice Girls. You can send Philip an email if you'd like a high-resolution label. You can also discuss this and other hacks on our 2600 Message Board.

    If you've created a hack for the 2600 that we don't yet have online and you'd like us to include it on our 2600 Hacks Page, please drop us a line.

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    European JagFest Fast Approaching
    November 2, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the E-JagFest PageThe European JagFest is an event for Jaguar enthusiasts and developers to get together, play Jaguar games, display titles in development, and just have a good time. This is the second European JagFest, the first being held in The Netherlands last year. Lynx owners and developers are also encouraged to attend this event. For more information please visit the E-JagFest Page. You can also discuss the European Jagfest on our Jaguar message board here.

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    Atari 5200 Cypher Update
    November 1, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the Cypher Project PageThe 5200 homebrew scene certainly seems to be heating up as of late! Matt "Tempest" Reichert has updated his Cypher Programming Project page with more details about his upcoming 5200 game:

    "Cypher is based on an action/puzzle sequence from the Atari 400/800 game Computer War, where you try and match the pattern displayed at the top of the screen before the computer figures out the code. Each time you successfully match the pattern you score a "computer hit", score five computer hits and you'll face a one on one showdown with the MCP itself. If the MCP solves the code, he will launch the missiles and destroy the Earth (generally not a good thing)."

    Cypher is about 30% complete according to Matt, who's hoping to finish it in time to release at the 2002 Philly Classic. To learn more about Cypher, including the latest screenshots and news, please visit Matt's Cypher page. You can also discuss Cypher with Matt on our 5200 message board.

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    Big Changes to HTML Manuals!
    October 31, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Click here for more informationWe're pleased to announce that we have now fully integrated HTML manuals into the AtariAge online database. Previously, 2600 HTML manuals were stuck in their own little section, with a single link to them on the 2600 Manuals page. We've now made HTML manuals as easy to view as manual scans. In addition, thanks to the generosity of Keita Iida, Mitch Orman, and Rouven Gehm we have added 5200, 7800 and Jaguar HTML manuals to the site. For complete details on what we've changed, please visit this page.

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    Koffi: Yellow Kopter! Update
    October 29, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the Koffi: Yellow Kopter! PageRon Lloyd (aka Cafeman) has posted an update for his upcoming Atari 5200 homebrew game Koffi: Yellow Kopter! Ron estimates the game is 30% complete and will be released sometime in 2002. The Koffi: Yellow Kopter! page features a description of the game, several screenshots and development notes as work progresses. Ron has also posted an image of a label for the game created by Dave Giarrusso. You can discuss Koffi with the game's creator in our message boards here.

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    Classic Gaming Auctions Under Way!
    October 28, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    View the Classic Gaming Relief Auction PageThe auctions have now begun! Today we started 24 auctions for rare and in many cases autographed games that various collectors have donated to the September 11th Classic Gaming Relief Auction. You can see a listing on eBay of all the Auction for America items currently running. There will be a second round of auctions beginning next weekend that will feature rare hardware, autographed books, and more. These auctions are listed under the eBay handle atariage. To view a listing of all the games up for auction with thumbs, as well as a list of the items slated to go up for auction next week, click here.

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    Ewok Adventure Released at Eurocon
    October 28, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Download the Ewok Adventure ROM at AtariAgeThe long anticipated Star Wars: Ewok Adventure prototype for the Atari 2600 was released this weekend at Eurocon 2001. Ewok Adventure was first discovered a few years ago in NTSC format, but the game was never released to the public. Last year a PAL version was discovered and finally released this past weekend. The game is a vertically scrolling shooter that takes place on Endor in which you pilot a hang glider and attack Imperial Troopers, AT-ST's, Speeder Bikes, and ultimately the Shield Generator bunker. You can also ditch your glider to take control of an AT-ST or Speeder Bike for more firepower. Download the ROM and try it out for yourself in an emulator. We've found that it works in z26 using a -5 -g3 command switch. This ROM is presented for your enjoyment courtesy of Marco Kerstens.

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    Qb Deluxe Details Revealed
    October 28, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the Qb Home PageAndrew Davie has announced more details about the upcoming Deluxe Version of his 2600 game Qb. In an effort sure to escalate the homebrew packaging wars, Andrew has revealed his plans on just how Qb Deluxe is to be delivered: It will arrive in a genuine wooden cigar box, adorned with rare wood squares arranged in such fashion to resemble the actual game. Placed on top of these squares will be plastic or glass figurines. Inside the cigar box will be a cartridge (with special label) and a CD with the z26 emulator, several Qb versions documenting the game's development progress, and the complete source code. You can learn more about Qb Deluxe by visiting Andrew's Qb page as well as following this thread in our 2600 message board.

    For those who simply can't for this Deluxe version to be completed (or you didn't pre-order it!), Qb (standard) is now available from Hozer Video, complete with a newly designed label and manual.

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    Cleveland Free-Net Archive Online
    October 26, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the Cleveland Free-Net ArchivesKevin Savetz has sent us word of the launch of the Official Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG Archive. The Cleveland Free-Net was a free dialup and telnet BBS and home to an active group of Atari users. The Atari SIG was a wealth of information about every Atari platform, including 8-bit computers, 16/32-bit computers, Jaguar, Lynx, and Portfolio. Before the Cleveland Free-Net was shut down on September 30, 1999, a complete backup of the Atari SIG was made. This archive, comprising over 200MB of data, has now been restored and is available online for your viewing pleasure.

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    7800 Manual Collection Complete!
    October 24, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    View our 7800 Manual CollectionWe're proud to announce that we now have a complete collection of Atari 7800 Manuals online for your browsing enjoyment. This collection represents scans of all the manuals for every released Atari 78000 game. Many thanks to those who helped us complete this collection, including Mitch Orman, Jesse Hardesty, Lamar Kukuk, MattW, Tizoc, and James Payton (my apologies if I missed anyone here).

    Now that all the 7800 manuals are online, we'll focus our efforts on filling all the holes in the 5200 Manuals. And in case you're wondering, we're actively working on 2600 manual scans now that disk space is no longer an issue for us.

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    Cuttle Carts Now Available
    October 23, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the Cuttle Cart Home PageChad Schell of Schell's Electronics has announced that the second round of Cuttle Carts is in stock and ready to ship. The Cuttle Cart is a unique cartridge that allows you to transfer game images from your PC or CD player into the onboard RAM of the Cuttle Cart, giving you the ability to play virtually any 2600 game on a genuine 2600 console. They're also great development tools for all you homebrew authors out there. Included with the Cuttle Cart is Stella Gets a New Brain, a CD containing the entire library of Starpath Supercharger games. You can learn more about the Cuttle Cart and place an order on the Cuttle Cart Home Page.

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    Lynx Backlight Mod
    October 22, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit Wilykat's Projects PageIf you're a Lynx enthusiast, we thought you'd like to know that Wi1ykat is working on a modification for the Lynx aimed at increasing the Lynx's battery life. His goal is to replace the standard backlight with several white LEDs, considerably reducing power consumption. You can find pictures and keep abreast of the project's status by checking out his website here. You can also discuss this modification on our Lynx message board.

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    Run 7800 Front End Released
    October 22, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the Run 7800 Home PageChristian Bogey has released Run 7800, a front-end for Eckhard Stolberg's 7800 Development System Software. Run 7800 provides a nice interface to the command-line 7800ctrl program, saving you from having to memorize (or lookup!) the various command-line options, as well as making it easier to select files to transfer to and from the 7800. You can learn about Run 7800 and other Atari-related projects Christian has developed by visiting the Khryssun Domain.

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    SwordQuest AirWorld Screenshot Released
    October 22, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the SwordQuest AirWorld Project PageThe first screenshot from the upcoming SwordQuest AirWorld game for the Atari 5200 has been released. You can find this screenshot, as well as additional information about the project, on the SwordQuest AirWorld Project Page. SwordQuest Airworld is going to be released first on the Atari 5200, followed by a port to the Atari 2600. The team has already completed the box and label designs, which you can view on Christopher Drum's Atari Page. No word yet as to when SwordQuest AirWorld will be finished, but according to the project page the team still has, "a long way to go".

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    2600 Hacks Section Now Online
    October 21, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Take a look at the 2600 HacksThanks to the recent activity regarding the creation of Hacks for various 2600 games, we created a new page on AtariAge where such hacks can be organized together. At this time we don't want to add these hacks to our primary rarity database, but we didn't them to be neglected either. While we only have a few hacks online at present, we expect this section to grow quickly as we know there are quite a few hacks out there. Please visit our 2600 Message Board to discuss these hacks and many other subjects.

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    New Site Coming Soon!
    October 20, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit Atari.comLooks like Infogrames is finally gearing up to do something with the domain name they acquired from Hasbro when they purchased the rights to the Atari properties. At this time the page only has some graphics announcing, "Coming in November!", but at least we now know to keep our eyes on it to see what develops. This temporary page uses the same graphics style as Atari Ads that have made appearances in game magazines recently promoting the upcoming console games Splashdown, Transworld Surf, and MXRider.

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    2600 Galaxian Hack
    October 19, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Download the Galaxian hack at AtariAgeIn the spirit of the recent Return of Mario Bros. mod, we bring you Jess Ragan's Galaxian mod. Jess tweaked the graphics of the original 2600 Galaxian so that it would look more like the original arcade game. Download the ROM and check it out for yourself. Let us know what you think on the 2600 message board.

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    5200 Adventure II Homebrew Project
    October 18, 2001
    Posted by Albert Submit News | Archives

    Visit the Adventure II Development PageIn case you haven't been following this thread in the Atari 5200 forum, Alan Davis and Ron Lloyd (aka Caféman) have announced a new homebrew game for the Atari 5200 -- Adventure II! At present there's only a single screenshot available of this work-in-progress, along with some hints of what might be in the game (to quote, "Hedge Maze, Ice Maze, Dragons, Chalice, and Wizard. Ice Castle. Fire Castle. Armor") If you'd like to provide feedback on this endeavor, please visit our Atari 5200 forum and be sure to visit the Adventure II Development Page!

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